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We are a group of volunteers of Indian Origin in the Newton community.

Our purpose is to bring the diverse communities of Newton, MA & surrounding towns together and celebrate Indian culture & heritage through various events, community outreach, wellness programs, and community support services.


Our previous events include the Diwali celebration, Holi at Newton City Hall, India day events, International Women’s Day celebrations, Yoga days, Summer family picnics, and hikes. 


We have a thriving Facebook group for the people of Indian Subcontinent origin living in our neighborhood where we share these events. Our work is entirely volunteer-driven and we primarily use the Facebook page, Patch Events Calendar, Mayor’s newsletter, Fig City News along with our website to share information with people across Newton and neighboring communities. 

More information about our group is available on our Facebook page (Newton Desi Corner) and our website.

About: About Us
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